The Leader in tractor towed scraper buckets, using state of the art modern machinery we offer a safe, efficient and reliable service to our clients with cost-effective outcomes in bulk earthworks.

Fortini Earthmoving run a fleet of very specialised machinery to handle Civil Infrastructure / Mining / Agriculture, Oil and Gas projects.
An extensive list of modern plant and attachments to suit all your project requirements.

Fortini Earthmoving is an industry leader in tractor towed scraper buckets, using state of the art modern machinery we offer a safe, efficient and reliable service to our clients with cost-effective outcomes in bulk earthworks.
Our Services
At Fortini Earthmoving we pride ourselves on safety and continuously work on developing a good work culture with our business and our clients.

Maidment Group have been using Fortini for level 1 fill to our residential sites in Townsville. Fortini Earthmoving have quality equipment, experienced operators and have completed level 1 earthworks in a professional and timely manner.

Civil Infrastructure / Mining / Agriculture
Soil Conditioning
Wet/Dry Hire
Cubic Meter Rates
Landfill Capping
Topsoil Remediation
Clay Liner Installation
Wall Rectifications
Project Management
Topsoil strip
Over burden strip
Tailings Dams Lifts
Wall Rectifications
Farm Levelling
Dam Building
Cotton Paddocks Construction

Oil and Gas
Fortini Earthmoving utilize specialized machinery to allow the safe delivery of Oil and Gas projects, we understand the challenges faced by our clients and the oi and gas space and pride ourselves on our safety record and safety culture in our business.
Closing and Grubbing
Topsoil stripping
Bulk Earthworks
Road Construction
Well Pad Construction
Dam Construction
Soil Conditioning

Plant Hire
Tractors with bulking buckets in tandem or triples to smaller scoops and ploughs
Versatile DeltaTrak 620 tractors perfect in sandy and soft conditions
Graders 120M & 160M (16ft blade) and dozers D8T and D6T with full tilt and angle blade and GPS
Compactor 815K with tilt blade and GPS
Water Truck 15kl with full spray setup
Excavators – 16T JCB & 25T CAT with GPS
Bobcat 299D Cat with various attachments
Combo Bobcat – 5T Excavator & truck perfect for small projects
Truck & Quad Dog for cartage
Machinery transport available with our truck & Floats
Service truck for onsite refueling and servicing requirements